Things to Do

Bahía Concepción is a short 20 mile drive south from Mulege. The bay features protected waters perfect for paddling and idyllic white sand beaches. Explore the below map for camping, hotels, activities, and restaurants. Check out our hiking page for places to hike around the bay and town.

Find more information and history about Bahía Concepción in this online guide.

Back in town, Misión Santa Rosalía de Mulegé is a must see both for its sweeping views of the area and historic significance.

 Mulegé is a small village and very walk-able. Meander through the arches. Sit at a bench in one of the parks. Take a long stroll out to the lighthouse. Visit the museum at the former prison. You can’t escape the charms of our town.

Step back into time (7,500 years), hire a local guide , and visit one of the cave paintings sites just outside of town.

Read Harry Crosby’s “Cave Paintings Of Baja California” for more information. See our Tours page for guide recommendations.

The new Baja Atlas is packed with detailed maps and info. The website and app iOverlander is a great resource for camping spots and more. There are also three Facebook Groups for Mulege – Our own Hey Mulege, Mulege Newsfeed and MULEGE NEWS. For Mexican auto and RV insurance, we use and recommend Baja Bound.
