“Rock the Arch”
Supporting LADLN Student Scholarships of Mulegé, AC
Live Music by “The Rockers” of Punta Chivato
Food: Shrimp/Chicken/Veggie Kabobs, Rice, Cesar Salad
Drinks: Microbrews, Kumbucha, Wine, Soft drinks, Water
Live Auction: Telescopes, Kayaks, Paintings, GoPro Camera, and much more
50/50 Drawing
This event is a fundraiser for Los Amigos de Los Niños, Inc. (LADLN). Mexican families are required to pay for their children’s education after ninth grade. LADLN provides scholarships for qualifying students attending high school (CECyT) and college/university with a focus on underserved students from the outlying Mulege area and ranches.
Sponsored by:
Mulegé Brewing Company and Los Amigos de Los Niños, Inc